Monday, June 9, 2008

Back in Borbon’s Arm : MY SUMMER 08’ FINALE!!!

He Got OLD !!!

“It’s a pleasure to be of service” , that exactly would my 1st havaianas slipper would tell me after 2 years. When one good thing comes to end – you only remember how well did it served you. I was a very pleased client to sum it up and was a bit sorry that he finally worn out but still looking very sleek after 2 beautiful years we were together.

Back in Borbon’s Arm : MY SUMMER 08’ FINALE!!!

After a not so beautiful Saturday night --- Sunday was a perfect way to end my summer this year. 3 bottles of beer, a bunch of green “yummy” unripe Indian mangoes – high tide at 1.8m and a couple of wonderful real people around . It all ended on a relaxing and a very smooth sleep that night. Cheers to the good times this year. I went back to the city and back to the real world recharge.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

3 Films in 3 days

On : Caregiver

May 30,2008 (Friday) - It wasn’t the usual get me drama local movie I have seen. And must admit I did not go out in the moviehouse with all my eyes swelling crying inside. And must admit too that I was moved by the movie not because Sharon was crying the whole time but because of the few undeniable facts. Family; Our dreams; Our choices in life; and the possibility of getting old alone. The end fact struck me the most but not for long. In conclusion – I recommend the movie for everyone regardless of your status in life.

On : Sex and the City

May 31, 2008 (Saturday) – Sky , Phil and I watched the movie – an all gay viewers , aren’t we ? . I loved seeing all 4 women in reunion in this movie. Who can ever forget their story which I have grown with. The clothes are fabulous. The women have matured, the friendship have better in years. I didn’t get bored at all. It was a beautiful ending to the story of the 4 women in NYC who found one another while in search for that special something that lead them here...and in the end, they did all while never compromising their friendship.

I would love to see the movie again – and I recommend the film to everyone even if you are not a fan of the show --- the movie will bolt you from the blue.

On : Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

June 1, 2008 (Sunday) – A promised bonding together with my partner Jun2x. We watched the movie after we attended mass and eat our early dinner. The movie was like your into an amusement park adventure. There are a couple of good and bad performances but as a whole I was entertained fairly.